
7577000456 Field Linear Actuator (Remote Kit)

Original price was: $2,506.18.Current price is: $2,305.69.

Jerr-Dan #7577000456 Field Linear Actuator ARM-102 RC-2 Kit; dual function remote kit; includes: Linear Actuator Inst Kit, Linear Actuator mount kit 3, 4 & 5 banks, Wireless 4 function control install, ARM-100 field installation manual, plastic tie straps

4- function remote kit set up for your tow truck.  This is not necessarily brand specific but does work with Jerr-Dan units.  Good for recovery work, allowing you to operate your winch while away from the truck.

Jerr-Dan #7577000456 Field Linear Actuator ARM-102 RC-2 Kit; dual function remote kit; includes: Linear Actuator Inst Kit, Linear Actuator mount kit 3, 4 & 5 banks, Wireless 4 function control install, ARM-100 field installation manual, plastic tie straps

4- function remote kit set up for your tow truck.  This is not necessarily brand specific but does work with Jerr-Dan units.  Good for recovery work, allowing you to operate your winch while away from the truck.


Some items may be subject to backorder status due to supply chain constraints.  When ordering, take supply chain constraints into consideration and check with us about availability 859-689-4888